Room too small, mentally ill man
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Friday, 11 April 2014
Evicted in NW6 for room being too small
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Gentrification in force, state of London
I was a witness today to the eviction of mark a member of a group I belong to Kilburn Unemployed Workers group. Mark is a vulnerable man who suffers mental health issues, he was evicted as a Camden official deemed his room too small in a private house, the landlord has a larger room but didn't want to have someone on housing benefits living in it. Camden said they only can offer a room in hostels outside of London where he will be isolated, as a group we showed up in support of mark, the outcome was 14 protesters arrested by 30+ riot police and one being transported alone. A black man in his 50s who was as peaceful as others, in light of the Leon Briggs inquiry and call for Leons Law, police to wear cameras at all times interacting with the public, I think this links and highlights the cause. Also an older man john was arrested, passed out, turned blue and subsequently taken into an ambulance to a medical Centre. The incident today is upsetting. Mark was taken to Camden housing, with a friend and member of kwug and turned down again for emergency housing. He has no funds for a hotel. He's sleeping on a friend's floor.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Discussion for disconnecting families.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Thoughts on culture, mixed culture society, children
I need to explore our society, the prejudices, the disdain for mixed culture love, kids, the looks, the anger towards black men with white women, from white men and black women, the reasons why, the sense of abandonment, the real abandonment by some black men who left their 'baby mothers' no role models for boys and girls, the absence of fathers from all cultures, the abandonment of children left in the Caribbean, by fathers in the UK who needed to travel away to work and today the %of working mothers of all cultures in the UK who have no time quality with their children for struggling to earn to pay rent, clothe and feed their children as single mothers. What is going on, is family going to be an historical word or a rare find in a few hundred years? Why do we go round in circles not learning from precious protection of our race that we limit loving to our own kind in DNA only? What's the matter, we are one race, the human race!