Monday, 30 September 2013

Transforming the everyday

Every day objects,materials etc manipulated to be transformed for a novel use, maybe to add meaning, give a message or for beauty.
I like the light a shadows created by layers of leaves together
This maple leaf like shape is very workable and balanced

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

To roll, to join and to crumple

Group Project creating a model with 3 words in mind
To roll, to join and to crumple

 We used 4 sheets of paper joined by masking tap and rolled into a funnel for the top part, we used 2 pieces of paper rolled into a funnel for the bottom part, leveled off the bottom and cut a hole in the tip, joined the two pieces to create a torch or funnel shape, we used crumpled paper to steady the base and toothpicks to join the seams whilst taking away the masking tape underneath, the main structure was held by toothpicks.
 We did fill the bottom funnel with crumpled paper to start with to give some extra support, yet it mishaped the bottom funnel and some toothpicks came apart from the paper seam, instead we decided to weigh the top funnel down more by throwing the crumbled paper into it.
 The left over crumpled newspaper was left aside and around the structure to give it more dram, it reminded me of fallen petals.
This is a continuous line drawing of the structure. 15 min exercise. Our tutor asked us to do a series of drawings, initially, not taking the pencil off the paper, then not looking down at our drawing only to look at the object whilst not lifting our pencil off, all for timed sessions, maybe 2 mins sometimes, my final piece is displayed above, where i had to look very occasionally at my drawing and to still make a continuous line, filling the space around the object, this drawing is showing in detail the window behind rather well as it silhouettes the object.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Today at the Southbank

                                                    Lilian de Souza, Put it on the table

                                                      Eric Calderon, An Artist's Book

                                                          Sara Lundkvist, Aura Crystal

                               Part of the Ung Svensk Form or Young Swedish Designers

                                Interesting shapes made by the bridges and London Eye

                      New designs at the Southbank today    

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Fluid Mirror

     Discovering the mirror made by oil on water during rush hour traffic on a wet afternoon

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The Royal Festival Hall

                                                          The Royal Festival Hall

                                                       The Emptiness of Atom
                                                               Jimmy Patrick
Interesting to me as this circular/triangular shape could in many areas, architecture, product                                                design, jewellery, fine art, interior design. 


Jennifer's work is interesting, her work here is tiny patterns made in the ceramic, initially, it looks like where bacteria has grown, only to look closer did I see the beautiful marks she made,

                                                  A book of postcards from 1960's

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Balance and Mirror images and thoughts

Day 1 of Art and Design Diploma at WMC Camden  

Balance, Group exercise

For this first group exercise in groups of 3 we had to create a piece that was balance, even  if balancing meant only for a split second, objects we used were old twine, a wine glass and twigs. 

We added nuts and washers to the twigs to make it more interesting and test the object more,

We transformed this exercise, still using the rolled up twine as a base, we used part of a chair that looked like a steering wheel, we made a spider out of electrical cable and wire and glue gun sticks pushed into the base to hold the rod in place, we used string to attach the spider and suspended it from a shelf
Balance, Group exercise 2

Group 2 exercise began to have a story line, we collectively imagined a woman who was juggling her work life balance, she had a great career, she worked hard, she socialised and smoked and she was on the brink of crashing or had crashed, possibly drink driving or in general,as her career and home life was managed only within a millimetre of tumbling down, in the background, we had thought to play some melancholic music, either Amy Winehouse of Mary J Blige about a struggling, yet independent woman. 


Mirror Research at the V&A
Some inspiring mirror and reflective objects at the V&A

                                    The illusion of a mirror behind throne, it was an empty circle.          
                                                               Tango in Paris
                                           beautiful reflective glass, soft feelings emerging.
                                                         Tango in Paris Artist details
                                                The chandelier at the entrance of the V&A
                             Knitted bathing costumes, with diagonally placed mirrors behind, 
                              giving an interesting effect of the opposite image reflected back
Buddha, reflecting back, karma and what you give you receive.

Thoughts on how children play and peoples self image.

   Disturbing scenes of children playing in Palestine with guns and makeshift rocket                         
                                            launchers and the like, or children smoking. 
                                                                      Self image 1

                                                            Dunkirk (Dunkurque) Beach
                                                               Reflections in the sea
                                             Wonder & Wisdom Painted by me in 2007
                                         Children reflected in the sea at Dunkirk Beach
                                                             Shadows in the sun

My thought process in terms of Mirror as our first project, I initially thought how children will mirror adults in play form, often my own daughter will want to do what Mummy is doing, I like the above image of my daughter and myself, purely as we are mirroring each other.  disturbing scenes of children playing in Palestine with guns and makeshift rocket launchers and the like, or children smoking. 

I also included here images of the sea and sand of children playing etc, the last picture captured me as the boy is playing, he turns to reflect on the distant covered coupled with his shadowy silhouette on the sand. 


                                                       Images of Oil on Road

My final decision for my piece was on a rainy afternoon during rush hour, my children and I noticed the patterns occurring on the road, I like looking at beauty around in obscure places, as most people are coping with rush hour traffic, noise and preoccupied with getting home on a very wet afternoon around 4pm we all slowed down to take stock of the beauty that has been created by traffic and the elements...this actually is a window into my mind as I am often looking at abstract or quite everyday objects and situations and finding the beauty or translating something from them. I made several very short films of the water and oil running along the dips in the road between the kerb,  the final film of 1min 30secs is 
the best way to show my appreciation of this fluid, accidentally occurring mirror.